NTUA – Greece
Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion
NTUA is the oldest engineering Higher Education Research Institute in Greece with about 8500 undergraduate and about 1500 post-graduate students. NTUA is divided in 9 Academic Schools covering all engineering disciplines. The proposed PhD Project will be conducted at the Laboratory of Aerodynamics (LA-NTUA) of the School of Mechanical Engineering.
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The main objective of the educational and research activities of NTUA Laboratory of Aerodynamics is the theoretical (computational) and experimental analysis of flow problems that cover a broad range of applications. In this context, problems of external aerodynamics with application to fixed aircraft wings, helicopters, wind turbines, buildings etc. as well as fluid/structure interaction problems are part of its research activities.
The research group at LA-NTUA has been active in the field of Wind Energy RTD since the early 90’s and has participated in more than 50 EU (JOULE, BRITE, ENERGY, GROWTH, FP6, FP7, Horizon programs) and national research projects on various topics including wind turbine rotor aerodynamics and noise, wind turbine aeroelasticity and control, wind farms design and performance assessment.